As an archipelagic country, Indonesia is very rich in beach tourism objects . From Sabang at the west end to Merauke at the east end the stretch of beach is immeasurable. White and black sand adorn along the wide stretch of beach. But there is one more thing that is interesting from the beaches in this country, a beach with pink sand with stunning underwater charm , this is Pink Beach on Komodo Island.
Because Komodo Island is included in the National Park area, to enter it must also obtain a permit first. Taking care of permits can be done at Loh Liang. It’s not difficult to take care of the permit, all you have to do is fill in the personal data form and continue to sign it and the permit to enter the national park area is already in hand.
Pink Beach can be reached by land and sea. If you use a fishing boat, it takes about 30 minutes from Loh Liang. However, if you want to test your guts, you can also go by land, but because you have to pass through steep cliffs during the trip, it’s no wonder that the travel time required is also longer, which is 4.5 hours of travel.
Oh yes, make sure if you want to go to the beach using a small fishing boat, the problem is that it will be difficult for large ships to dock to the beach, because a special mooring has been provided for large ships that want to visit Pink Beach.
This is done so that the various corals in the pink coastal waters are not damaged by the anchors of moored ships.
The pink color of the beach sand itself comes from a natural process. Red coral flakes, clam shells, calcium carbonate small marine invertebrates , sponges or marine sponges that mix and form a unique color composition that when you see the pink color stands out along this beach.
There are so many activities that can be done on this beautiful beach. Starting from sitting quietly looking at the beautiful beach from one end of the hill, swimming and snorkeling and diving.
Coral reefs of various types and colors adorn the coastal waters. Everything is preserved. Indeed, this beach is still quiet from visitors so that the preservation of coral and marine habitats is still maintained.